Abstract submission will open on March 15th, 2023 and close on June 14th, 2023.
Join us to learn about the latest research in spatial epidemiology and spatial statistics, as well as innovative solutions and applications developed in veterinary medicine, public health, and food safety. Network with experts, and expand your professional horizons. Submit your abstract and contribute to this important scientific dialogue.
Key Information
The following abstract submission instructions can be downloaded here.
Veterinaria Italiana has been proposed to host GeoVet 2023 contributions in a dedicated Special Issue. Full Paper Submissions will be subjected to a double-blind review process and will be published electronically with a DOI number.
Veterinaria Italiana is a quarterly peer reviewed International Journal which publishes high quality and novelty papers mainly dealing with veterinary public health issues, indexed in the international biomedical databases and listed in the in the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Please read carefully the instructions before you proceed with the submission of your abstract.
Submission Options
In the abstract submission, please indicate the format in which you would like to present your work:
Please note that all authors (including students) may submit one or more abstracts for regular oral or poster presentations, but only one for senior oral presentation.
Please select only one topic for each abstract. Even if more than one may apply, please select the topic that better reflects the work to be presented in your abstract.
Requirements and Recommendations
Title. Title should be succinct (limited to 500 characters including spaces), informative, and accurately reflect the content of your presentation, formatted in sentence case (i.e., capitalize only the first word, proper nouns and abbreviations) with only genus and species names italicized, and should not use bold, underline, or quotation marks.
Keywords. Please provide up to six keywords, arranged in alphabetical order and separated by a comma, which can be used for indexing purposes.
Abstract Body. Please provide a succinct and informative abstract no longer than 450 words. A suggested format for the abstract could include a short statement of the study’s background and specific objectives, a brief statement of methods, a summary of results, and a statement of conclusions.
References. You may include up to three relevant references.
Recommendation: before submission, please carefully proofread your abstract for accuracy. All content must be free of spelling and grammatical errors, and use American English standards for spelling. Do not underline or use bold for any text, and avoid capitalizing entire words unless they are abbreviations or acronyms. Only use italics for genus and species names.
Presenter and Authors Details
Please provide information for the presenting author and any additional authors. Please indicate the presenting author selecting “Primary Contact”.
For each author, please enter the following information:
Terms, Conditions, and Obligations
By submitting an abstract for presentation, authors agree:
Evaluation and Acceptance
The members of the Scientific Committee will evaluate the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts on the basis of the following criteria:
Abstract Submission
Click on the “Submit abstract” button to submit your abstract. This will take you to the GeoVet 2023 submission process within Veterinaria Italiana. Please note that the abstract submission process in Veterinaria Italiana requires registration in the first phase or/and login if you are already registered.
Please address all questions to the GeoVet 2023 organizers by sending an email to geovet23@izs.it with subject “Abstract Submission”.